This is my first attempt at doing a Blog - so hang in there - I promise this site will get better as I get used to Blogger and it's tools!
So, I pretty much wanted to start a blog just for the hell of it. There will be posts about whatever I chose to write about--there will funny stuff and interesting topics intermingled with my daily life adventures and thoughts. At the bottom there are links to two of my facebook pages also--one for goody recipes, and the other for fun crafts.
Let's start with a little "Who's Who".
I'm a full-time stay at home mom / part-time waitress/ part-time student. I've been with my man for quite awhile - so long I don't think boyfriend is an adaquate description but husband isn't legally correct either. He's the love of my life - who cares about titles.
We had our first child is December. A beautiful baby girl. She was truly my miracle baby. We were told years ago that I would have a hard time carrying a pregnancy past the first trimester. Then the seizures started. Uncontrolled by medicine, diet, or behavior changes. So my hopes of getting-and STAYING-pregnant shrunk from small to zilch. In January of 2012, I took myself off all of the anti-seizure meds and said to hell with them all. They hadn't helped that much up to that point. Some of the side effects were so harsh that I decided I'd much rather be more alert and coherant, and take my chances with the seizures as they happened. My last seizure was Febuary 22, 2012. I conceived my daughter on March 5, 2012, (The weekend our town had the most severe snow storm it'd seen in years, no power for the whole weekend-leading to a hotel rendevous with my love (haha)). As it being 18months later - I successfully carried through a normal 40-week long pregnancy. I have a beautiful, healthy baby - and still seizure free.
I get Migraines constantly- 3-4 days out of the week type deal. Yeah, those who don't honestly know me probably question the truth behind that statement, you question how any person who had that severe of head pain for so much of the time could really function and have a normal life. Well, that's because my balls are bigger than yours.
Truthfully, somedays I struggle majorly with normal daily activities, and I've had to call into work before-an hour before I was supposed to be there . I've learned various coping methods - and more importantly, I've learned to listen to my body and try to stay proactive-and psychotically positive at times! I believe a happy mind will have a happy body. Even if that means faking it occasionally. "Fake it till you make it" was my dad's famous advice. I didn't understand what he truly meant till I had to actually slap that fake smile on and continue on, business as usual. I do take some meds to help when the pain is really intense. More times than not though, I'll land in the ER. Get a big shot in my booty, go home and sleep it off. It sucks, more than I'd ever wish on anyone....well, maybe an ex or two.
OK, so that's my intro - feel free to email me if you'd like, . Or follow the blog - you'll get to know me better and better <3
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