How come the one night a week I actually need to sleep - it doesn't freaken happen. Seriously, it's the one night where daddy gets up with the baby - and it feels as if all hell breaks loose while I'm snoozing.
Which leads to mom getting up at 4 with the baby, even though my alarm was set for 6 since I had to work that day. So I started my day at 4 - and worked 7 hours waiting tables and playing nice with the public, home around 4. But daddy was the one who needed a nap when I got home- go figure!
I love my man. He is an amazing daddy hands down and I wouldn't want anyone else by my side - no contest :-) But how can I get the ONE night he's on duty to go smoother???!!!??? Who the hell knows. Parenthood should come with a learning manual --- instead, accept that the first baby is the guinea pig. I/You'll always have her best interests at heart but sometimes it's a game of trial and error.
A note to all new and expecting parents , mom and dad --- Having a child is one of the biggest tests of your relationship. Your couple status turns to a family of 3 -- and the whole dynamic changes. The baby is the one who rules the roost for awhile. Parenthood will either make or break you as a pair. I have had my moments of complete utter insanity where I swore I would be better off on my own -- but really, I wouldn't. I couldn't see my life without him. Having a child adds stress to your life, yes -- but the everlasting bond and unconditional love you feel once that little angel is here is priceless.
Oh - and DO NOT SPEAK TO EACH OTHER if you both get up for night feedings. My cousin gave me that advice, and I learned that it actually was the rule to live by. Exhaustion literally drives you crazy. Don't take it out on each other --- remember, you're both tired to the point of seeing stars -- and it's going to be that way for awhile. Hug each other - and remember, your partner's the good guy <3
Ok, that's enough rambling for now. I have crafts and recipes I need to post - along with a sinkful of dishes, HA!
I'll be back <3
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