
Happy Life Happy Wife

Happy life Happy Wife!

1. A little wine and romance will go further towards getting me in mood than tweeking my nipples and giggling like a hyena. * Also, helping around the house will have the same effect on me as alcohol does on a high school girl on prom night. 

2. Keep a stash of chocolate for yourself-it's my monthly kryptonite. Know my cycle signs - prepare accordingly. 

3. My retail therapy is your female version of working on your car

4. It’s not called “nagging.” It’s called asking you for the 313th time to do something that I shouldn’t have had to ask about in the first place. If you still insist on calling me a nag - say goodbye to blowjobs for at least two weeks.

5. If I’m acting crazy, remember, I didn’t choose to be born with hormone induced rages, but you choose to love me. So who’s the crazy one here??? 

6. Remember you’re going home with me so stick up for me. OR ELSE. 

7. Acknowledging you heard me is the quickest way to get me to shut up.

. I get an “I’m right” trump card that’s good for 5 years times infinity for every human that emerged from my body. End of argument. 

9. Bathroom lights are not flattering. It takes alot of nerve to invite you into the shower with me. Don't say no.

10. Even when I am being a handful and making your head spin - remember, you make my head spin daily with weak knees and you love my handfuls <3 

(Thank you www.abovetopsecret.com for the image) 

I kept seeing things titled "Happy Wife Happy Life" appear on my Facebook newsfeed, along with hearing a reference to the phrase in a couple of great movies I've watched recently. I'm not a wife legally - but anyone who knows Marshall and I, we're more dedicated to our relationship than half the married couples out there. If you have been reading my previous blogs, you know I'm stupidly head over heels in love with my man :) So I decided to write my own so-called "Happy Life Happy Wife" rules. Not only did I have a blast coming up with them -- because really, it's all the little silly things -- but Marshall cracked up. He loved my honesty and asked me to hang these downstairs for him-as a helpful reminder. 

HA! Honesty is the best policy in all affairs of the heart and soul. Even though I made this list out of humor, there is truth behind them.  

I promise there will be a second post today . My daughter will be 1 year old in 2 DAYS! This mama has a cleaning list a mile long and a grocery list to match!!

I'll be back!



Make Your Own Sunshine

Oh, life is exhausting somedays. Let's just say that and get it out of the way - we all know how somedays just suck the life right outta-ya. You live though. Wake up the next day and do it all over again.

I've had to kind of re-train my brain to focus on the happy instead of crummy. Life is BEAUTIFUL. It is a gift. I am 27 years old and honest to goodness-I am just starting to truly appreciate life.

I've went through a lot of hard times the past few years. From moving 6 times in 2 years, to probation, to losing my dad right after I had my first child. The most painful was losing my father. I was a daddy's girl-hands down, no question about it. My father and I were alot alike - and now I see how he was the link keeping me involved with the rest of the family.
I'm so very different from my mother it's amazing that I am 50% her genes. Just because we are so different doesn't mean I love her any less. As I grow older I'm trying to accept our differences and just simply "move on". Forgiveness lifts the weight from you - when you hold onto a grudge it's like holding onto a hot poker and expecting the person next to you to feel the pain. You only wear yourself out with grudges.

"Forgive us for our trespasses, as we've forgive those who've trespassed against us."

I'm not very religious but I do recite the Lord's prayer daily. 
It's simple and to the point-and reminds me to simply remember God, and to appreciate those in my life and my life as a whole. Maybe I should phrase God as "the higher power of your belief". I believe in God-but I also believe in other's rights to their own personal religious beliefs. That's another topic for a whole 'nother day though!

"Grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

My dad used to say this prayer as we were growing up. I never asked where he learned it - I always remembered it though. It was one of my favorite prayers since I can remember. I learned about it during my probation period-NA pushes this prayer, and I understand why. You will drive yourself insane trying to change the things you truly have no control over. Addiction is a nasty disease-but that's another topic for another day. 

Throughout my trials and tribulations, (ha-had to use that phrase while I could), I have learned one major lesson .....

You are the only one who can decide to be happy, sad, angry, down. You are capable of making your own sunshine -- take a step back.  I often take that step back to marvel at all the good in my life. All the things I should be thankful for - every single day. I'm guilty of being lost in the anger and the wanting more. Like I said, I'm trying to retrain my brain to be positive. I'm alive. I'm loved. I'm well. I'm happy.

Take a deep breath - take that step back - and smile.

I am going to leave you with a couple of my favorite quotes ::::

"Put your hand on your chest. Feel that- that heartbeat? It means you have a purpose. You're supposed to be here-smile"


It's Already October 21st !

First off, let me apologize for my lack of posts lately. It's been over a month since I last wrote on here -- far too long!!

My life has been pretty busy. My 10 month old daughter has become increasingly mobile and explorative. With expending all that extra energy you'd think she would sleep better at night. Nope-not my kid. She insists on sleeping while one of us is holding her - she never used to be like this, so I'm kinda confused on how this habit started, and better yet-how to put an end to it. There are conflicting opinions and thoughts on the whole "cry it out" method. If you are a parent you understand the pain of needing to lay the child down after an hour of walking or rocking and simply let them try to soothe themselves. At that point 2 minutes will feel like an hour - but you have to do it. Have to admit-I seriously doubt I'm strong enough to let her cry it out-longest I've went was 45 mins-but jeez, nap/bedtime is getting slightly ridiculous. No one can put her to bed but me -- which is actually causing more issues for daddy, babysitter, and grandma. 
                                                   Ugh-I've officially screwed myself. 
With my next child I plan on introducing him to self soothing, and falling asleep on his own instead of depending on the rocking. Lots of evidence supports the idea of laying an infant down in their crib while awake but drowsy. So they get some cuddles from you-but essentially falls asleep on their own. Encouraging self soothing when they wake during the night instead of crying out for you.

I've said it over and over again- parenthood should come with a manual. I've also said that maybe our first children are our guinea pigs, trial and error is how we write our own manual. HA! Of course, my everlasting positive attitude shining through :)

(  http://www.lovethispic.com/image/40010/think-like-a-proton-and-stay-positive  )
I'm such a geek :) 

Add a little french vanilla creamer-
 and you have a little cup of heaven!
Coffee is how I make it through most days. My first cup is always the best. Then I use it throughout the day like Popeye uses spinach! With fall here, my latest favorite coffee blend is Snickercookie by Leelanau Farms Coffee Roasters :::
http://www.leelanaucoffee.com/order/  , search for "SnickerCookie")

This is completely random, but I want to show off our monster tomato plant. A simple small plant from Meijer's planted in nutrient hyped up soil, fertilized biweekly, and loved daily-created this insane Cherry Tomato Plant.
Our 6ft tall monster tomato plant

Fall Weather is here - and life is busy. My next post will be just in time for Halloween -- I promise <3


She is Woman

A woman wears many different "hats" all in the span of one day. Some refer to women in general as "two-faced" or moody. I somewhat agree--but I think it just depends on which part of the lady you're talking to.

Catch me at work with customers, and I am the spitting image of the sweetest girl next door. Catch me yelling at the cooks for dragging my pancakes (when I work in a pancake house mind you, and we can't seem to keep hot pancakes coming?!?!?)--and you'd think someone smacked me. Better yet - toss a Frisbee towards my sitting 9 month old daughter, who's head is only protected with a sunhat, and you'd think my ass was on fire- you'd literally expect to see flames climbing up my backside.

My newest one yet is "MOM". It's probably the one with the shortest name-but largest amount of responsibility. When you're mom, you are never just one person. You are cook, maid, nurse, mentor, tutor, disciplinarian, sympathizer, and secretary - usually all within the first hour of being awake. Of course the list of sub-titles under the title Mom could go on for days. In a nutshell - you are your child's everything. Sounds scary doesn't it? It's not - you never knew you could love someone so much till they came along. Being their everything just comes natural to us. Guys try - and I give loads of them credit for the effort. But it's just our instinct honestly. Comes hand in hand with our emotions and monthly hormonal roller coasters - God definitely made sure to give us a reward after surviving those grueling nine months it took to grow another human being. Don't be fooled - growing another person is hard work. I luckily had a nice, happy glow throughout my pregnancy.I like to believe it covered up the continuous nausea and made those sweaty, hot flashes look somewhat adorable.

The hat I probably wear with most ease is "lover" or "partner" or "spouse" . My man and I have been through it all. From break ups, to make ups - from car accidents to a parent dying - we have been through allot already. Mind you, just because we've survived to tell the tale thus far -- does not mean we haven't had our rough patches. Every single relationship has it's obstacles and challenges -- it's all in how you handle 'em.

I'd like to think that every couple goes through shit - but we're the couple who survives it-and come out buying each other a beer or two <3 I live faithfully by the philosophy of  "I'm only getting married once - better do it right". I do not believe in divorce-I miss the days when people would work to fix relationships. Not simply dump 'em and start fresh with a new prospect.
Now, I say that's the hat I wear with most ease -- let me explain that a little bit. It is not always EASY to be my man's old lady. He puts me through the ringers some nights -- but I know I return the favor occasionally, :-P. I fully believe that I'm the only one who can give him a run for him money - since I am always 100% behind him. I'm loyal to a fault with him -- and if anyone hurts him, or fucks him over -- I am their worst enemy. I am the epiphany of a good wife -- I'm happy, I'm domesticated, I'm sexy, and I always make it clear that he is my number 1.

Bottom line, regardless of what the fight is about, or why one isn't speaking to the other--I'd rather fight with him everyday, then have a life without him.

Obviously, I have other "hats" - such as daughter, sister, cousin, niece, friend, etc. I don't think these roles are as prominent in my life as they were when I was younger though-which is a natural transgression if you look at a lifespan as a whole.

I think my daughter hat started to come off around puberty. I've always been independent--and pretty self sufficient. I think that's why my parent's don't worry about me as the other kids. I used to think that I was being punished -- not having as much support and help from them as my sister and brother; but in reality, it was an award of a type---they just didn't have to worry about me like they did the others.

The most difficult title of my life is probably Sister. My sister title has never disappeared - and never will. Your siblings are your first friends - and first enemies. My family put a lot of emphasis on sibling support -- "you will have each other forever-make it worth it". We are close in a way still -- but we have all grown in different directions. Although we might not be as close as we once were on a daily level -- I will always be there for them, no matter the issue. I'm the eldest, so naturally I see and handle things differently than them. Sugar coating's not my style-never has been and never will- and my blunt harsh reality checks have put some distance between us. Although the distance hurts, it's necessary. I will never stop being their sister - but I can stop the negative impact their words and actions have on me.

I need to remember that the BIGGEST TITLE I wear is simply my own name. The first picture I posted was an excellent summary of me as a whole. In fact, I think it needs to appear one more time--even if it's just to remind myself of how awesome I am! Everyone should have a "pick me up" quote, phrase, whatever you choose -posted somewhere it's easily seen daily. I know those quotes remind me of all the good I am-- and can be what makes a bad day tolerable.

Plain and simple - it's my life, and only I have the power to create my own happiness.


Lack of Sleep = Increased Likelyhood of Insanity

How come the one night a week I actually need to sleep - it doesn't freaken happen. Seriously, it's the one night where daddy gets up with the baby - and it feels as if all hell breaks loose while I'm snoozing.

Which leads to mom getting up at 4 with the baby, even though my alarm was set for 6 since I had to work that day. So I started my day at 4 - and worked 7 hours waiting tables and playing nice with the public, home around 4. But daddy was the one who needed a nap when I got home- go figure!

I love my man. He is an amazing daddy hands down and I wouldn't want anyone else by my side - no contest :-) But how can I get the ONE night he's on duty to go smoother???!!!??? Who the hell knows. Parenthood should come with a learning manual --- instead, accept that the first baby is the guinea pig. I/You'll always have her best interests at heart but sometimes it's a game of trial and error.

A note to all new and expecting parents , mom and dad --- Having a child is one of the biggest tests of your relationship. Your couple status turns to a family of 3 -- and the whole dynamic changes. The baby is the one who rules the roost for awhile. Parenthood will either make or break you as a pair. I have had my moments of complete utter insanity where I swore I would be better off on my own -- but really, I wouldn't. I couldn't see my life without him. Having a child adds stress to your life, yes -- but the everlasting bond and unconditional love you feel once that little angel is here is priceless. 
Oh - and DO NOT SPEAK TO EACH OTHER if you both get up for night feedings. My cousin gave me that advice, and I learned that it actually was the rule to live by. Exhaustion literally drives you crazy. Don't take it out on each other --- remember, you're both tired to the point of seeing stars -- and it's going to be that way for awhile. Hug each other - and remember, your partner's the good guy <3

Ok, that's enough rambling for now. I have crafts and recipes I need to post - along with a sinkful of dishes, HA!

I'll be back <3


Have to admit - I laughed so damn hard I cried. Hope it gave you the giggles at least <3


This is my first attempt at doing a Blog - so hang in there - I promise this site will get better as I get used to Blogger and it's tools!

So, I pretty much wanted to start a blog just for the hell of it. There will be posts about whatever I chose to write about--there will funny stuff and interesting topics intermingled with my daily life adventures and thoughts. At the bottom there are links to two of my facebook pages also--one for goody recipes, and the other for fun crafts.

Let's start with a little "Who's Who".

 I'm a full-time stay at home mom / part-time waitress/ part-time student. I've been with my man for quite awhile - so long I don't think boyfriend is an adaquate description but husband isn't legally correct either. He's the love of my life - who cares about titles.

We had our first child is December. A beautiful baby girl. She was truly my miracle baby. We were told years ago that I would have a hard time carrying a pregnancy past the first trimester. Then the seizures started. Uncontrolled by medicine, diet, or behavior changes. So my hopes of getting-and STAYING-pregnant shrunk from small to zilch. In January of 2012, I took myself off all of the anti-seizure meds and said to hell with them all. They hadn't helped that much up to that point. Some of the side effects were so harsh that I decided I'd much rather be more alert and coherant, and take my chances with the seizures as they happened. My last seizure was Febuary 22, 2012. I conceived my daughter on March 5, 2012, (The weekend our town had the most severe snow storm it'd seen in years, no power for the whole weekend-leading to a hotel rendevous with my love (haha)).  As it being 18months later - I successfully carried through a normal 40-week long pregnancy. I have a beautiful, healthy baby - and still seizure free.

I get Migraines constantly- 3-4 days out of the week type deal. Yeah, those who don't honestly know me probably question the truth behind that statement, you question how any person who had that severe of head pain for so much of the time could really function and have a normal life. Well, that's because my balls are bigger than yours.


Truthfully, somedays I struggle majorly with normal daily activities, and I've had to call into work before-an hour before I was supposed to be there . I've learned various coping methods - and more importantly, I've learned to listen to my body and try to stay proactive-and psychotically positive at times! I believe a happy mind will have a happy body. Even if that means faking it occasionally. "Fake it till you make it" was my dad's famous advice. I didn't understand what he truly meant till I had to actually slap that fake smile on and continue on, business as usual. I do take some meds to help when the pain is really intense. More times than not though, I'll land in the ER. Get a big shot in my booty, go home and sleep it off. It sucks, more than I'd ever wish on anyone....well, maybe an ex or two.

OK, so that's my intro - feel free to email me if you'd like, oneandonlychellabella@gmail.com . Or follow the blog - you'll get to know me better and better <3