
It's Already October 21st !

First off, let me apologize for my lack of posts lately. It's been over a month since I last wrote on here -- far too long!!

My life has been pretty busy. My 10 month old daughter has become increasingly mobile and explorative. With expending all that extra energy you'd think she would sleep better at night. Nope-not my kid. She insists on sleeping while one of us is holding her - she never used to be like this, so I'm kinda confused on how this habit started, and better yet-how to put an end to it. There are conflicting opinions and thoughts on the whole "cry it out" method. If you are a parent you understand the pain of needing to lay the child down after an hour of walking or rocking and simply let them try to soothe themselves. At that point 2 minutes will feel like an hour - but you have to do it. Have to admit-I seriously doubt I'm strong enough to let her cry it out-longest I've went was 45 mins-but jeez, nap/bedtime is getting slightly ridiculous. No one can put her to bed but me -- which is actually causing more issues for daddy, babysitter, and grandma. 
                                                   Ugh-I've officially screwed myself. 
With my next child I plan on introducing him to self soothing, and falling asleep on his own instead of depending on the rocking. Lots of evidence supports the idea of laying an infant down in their crib while awake but drowsy. So they get some cuddles from you-but essentially falls asleep on their own. Encouraging self soothing when they wake during the night instead of crying out for you.

I've said it over and over again- parenthood should come with a manual. I've also said that maybe our first children are our guinea pigs, trial and error is how we write our own manual. HA! Of course, my everlasting positive attitude shining through :)

(  http://www.lovethispic.com/image/40010/think-like-a-proton-and-stay-positive  )
I'm such a geek :) 

Add a little french vanilla creamer-
 and you have a little cup of heaven!
Coffee is how I make it through most days. My first cup is always the best. Then I use it throughout the day like Popeye uses spinach! With fall here, my latest favorite coffee blend is Snickercookie by Leelanau Farms Coffee Roasters :::
http://www.leelanaucoffee.com/order/  , search for "SnickerCookie")

This is completely random, but I want to show off our monster tomato plant. A simple small plant from Meijer's planted in nutrient hyped up soil, fertilized biweekly, and loved daily-created this insane Cherry Tomato Plant.
Our 6ft tall monster tomato plant

Fall Weather is here - and life is busy. My next post will be just in time for Halloween -- I promise <3

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